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Saturday, December 22, 2012

What I believe in

Yes, I'm a Southern Boy. Like most of you within ten years of my age, we see things today that just did not seem imaginable back before the forties or fifties.  As a small boy, I went to a country school, as they called them back in those days, down in South Georgia and if you attended one, you were considered a hick or country bumpkin. The school was a rather small wooden building with large windows to allow sunlight in. My room had three grades with a pot belly stove that could be too hot if you got too close or too cold if you sat too far away. The teacher was a young blond (seemed old to me) and had to be dedicated to teach under those circumstances.

 The school did not have a lunch room with hot food, so your mom fixed you a tasty sack lunch or you did not eat. The toilets or out-houses, were out back and the boys had maybe six or so holes or seats if you like, with no privacy. The girls was about one hundred feet away. Of course there was no grass in those days around the schools, only red dust or red mud during the wet times. Mom knew this was not good for her little boy so she found a way to transfer me to a town school where I became a part of the city kids.

Saying the Lord's prayer and crossing our hearts and reciting the pledge of allegiance facing the flag, was the first thing we did every morning. We were taught wholesome things children needed to know and there was no talk about sex. In fact the "S word" was never used around children.

World War One was over, but soon afterwards our country was fighting two wars on two fronts with two far away enemies, the Japs and the Germans, headed up by Hirohito and Hitler. Kids at a very young age were taught history. Patriotism was a very real part of growing up. We collected tin cans, metal, news papers and tin foil for the war effort and took it to school every week. Our parents used rationing stamps for gas and food and other necessities such as tires. You could not buy a car during that time. Most factory production went towards the war effort. We had victory gardens and kids bought ten cent stamps and pasted them in little books that went towards buying War Bonds to help finance the war effort. We got our World News from the movies on Saturdays. Five cents would buy a Coke at that time.  There was no TV, so after school and with home work done, we went outside to play until we heard our Mom call us in for supper and then played games until bed time. The true meaning of the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, and Christmas were taught to children and going to church made you feel whole.

When I was eleven, it was the first time I ever really knew the reason why boys and girls were different and along about that time, I also heard the word atheist. I could not believe there were actually people and I did not know of any, that did not believe in God. There were some words that were not spoken around the house such as “divorce” or “pregnancy”. Parents at that time, felt that there was plenty of time later on for us kids to find out the meaning of adult stuff. I got married at eighteen and quickly learned good work ethics and   about the adult stuff.

We all remember the good ole days and we now look back on them as a time of our innocence, but those times were not that wonderful for our parents who had just survived the Great Depression.  Today, we now realize how technology and political correctness has changed the fabric of our nation and hastened its decline. It is sad to witness the expanding Muslim cult, not a religion as I see it. True religions don't teach their followers to kill others who don't accept what they believe in. Never did I think that we would see the word God taken out of our schools to protect a few that don't believe in God. Our county was founded on Christian beliefs, but you would never know it today. We were all shocked upon learning that our new president four years ago, when preparing to make a speech at Georgetown University, asked that the Monogram symbolizing Jesus be covered up.

The irony of the Sandy Hook School massacre was the out pouring call for prayer across our nation afterwards, while not allowing those children inside of the walls of that school to have a prayer before class began. This is a prime example of the moral decay in America today.

You never heard of abortion years ago, but now it’s as common as natural birth. If you took all the babies that have been murdered in America for the convenience of the mothers life style, the tens of millions of them would make a pile larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. If you are reading this, chances are that your Mom did not believe in it ether.

Our country is now made up of the fifty two percent that pay federal income taxes and the forty eight percent that don't pay federal taxes. Forty seven point seven million are now receiving food stamps and by the way, in the past year the government has been advertising Snapps, a new politically correct name for the food   stamps. Of course these people along with illegal aliens that are getting free stuff are going to vote for the one that is giving it to them. I call it pandering for votes.

What we are now seeing, and I promise you, it will come back to bite all of us, the tax-users and the tax-payers. They are now going to the ballet box and voting themselves more free stuff. Any rational person that stands back and takes a look at what's happening, can see that a nation that won't balance it's budget and continues to borrow money from the Chinese and will soon owe twenty trillion dollars, is headed for disaster.

I believe our great nation is in moral decay brought on by anything goes, do what ever makes you feel good. When for shock value, Rhett Butler said in “Gone With The Wind”, "Frankly madam, I don't give a damn". It was the opening of the flood gates towards our valley of despondency.  I am afraid that the hills of elation are gone forever.

For those of you not familiar with Roman history, one of the "Caesars" was Caligula. (A nick name for “Little soldiers boot”). Caligula was in power from 37 AD till 41 AD. He was narcissistic and killed his great uncle who was also his step grandfather to enable him to come into power and would later kill most of the rest of his brothers and male cousins in order to keep them from falling in line of power. He would have a number of the Roman Senators killed who did not agree with him and promoted the head of his army to his top protector. He allowed nothing to stand in his way. What he did to gain favor of the Roman citizens was to give them the equivalent of food stamps as the “one” is giving out today to gain favor. What Caligula did was to go the roof top of a four story building in Rome and threw gold coins down to the people. Does this sound familiar? Once he had spent all his inherited wealth, he began to take from the rich. Again does this not sound familiar? At the age of 27, he declared that he was a living God. A year later, and after less than four years as a Roman Emperor, his short life at the age of 28 ended with his assassination.

My friends,  regardless of who is in power, with 73 percent of the new jobs going to government workers in the past year, and with people on welfare receiving more money by staying at home than working for a  salary, they must not be allowed to take our wonderful country the way of Rome or Greece. I believe we all have to operate within our home budgets or we will go bankrupt. We cannot print new money at home or continue to borrow more money as our government is doing today. We cannot allow the “takers to out number the makers”. It has to stop.

And that's what I believe.

Merry Christmas / Happy New Year?


  1. AMEN to that. You are a great writer.
    Would you please run for President so that I can vote for you?
    Sometimes I think I was born too late.
    Would have liked living in the "good old days."
