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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Let's take it to another level

Down South, we just call it common since. Of course, no law abiding citizen wants someone to be killed by a gun, or for that matter by a car accident etc. With over eight thousand  laws on the books both federal and state with more on the way, murder by guns will continue. These murders are not being caused by you or I or any other law abiding person who is going to be made to register your gun. Only criminals or crazy people are doing the killing. There is not a law that could be enacted that would stop those people from doing their evil deeds. If they did not have a gun, they have many other ways to carry out their murders. Guns kill hundreds every year, but cars kill people in the thousands every year. We also have many laws on the books that are suppose to limit death on the highway. Do they work? Nobody really knows for sure. Now maybe if you put a speed limit of let's say thirty miles an hour on all roads, just maybe it would save some lives but then again, there would be those out there that would break the speed laws and highway deaths would continue. Let's be honest about this. It's not the gun issue that has caught the politicians' eyes, but the fact that they are making it a major issue,  it can generate votes for them. And think about this for a moment, there is a lot of drinking done in our country and DUIs results in many deaths every year on the highways of America. But don't expect the politicians to make an issue about alcohol. After all, they do a lot of drinking themselves. They don't like to admit it, but they have body guards and secret service all around them 24/7 armed with guns while they are almost daily taking a few drinks. Years ago they gave in and did away with Prohibition. After all, they did not want to get caught drinking and breaking their own law.

Now I said at the beginning of this blog to let's take it to another level. What I mean by that is we all know that what the government is really trying to do is to take away our second amendment which is our right to bare arms. And I am sure you rightly suspect that their reason is that once they have all the law abiding citizens guns, they will have total control over us. Only they and their National Police Force along with the Army and criminals will have them. If we don't like what the Government wants us to do, well that's just tough.  If they decide they want to go back to a monarchy or a King, as the (Federalist or Democrats, as they are now called) wanted to do back in the 1790's when John Adams was president, they could do it. They would no longer have free elections. We would be unable to do much of anything with sticks and stones.

Now expand your thinking by remembering that there has been talk of a  'One World Order'. That would mean  one governing body for the world. I admit it sounds off the chart but you have heard of it. If you had been around in 1776, would you have ever believed what they have done to our wonderful country. There are 204 sovereign countries in the world. What if the majority wanted to go 'gun free' in the world?  America is only one of the voting body, and would be expected to go along. If that ever happened it would be exactly the same as our own present American government wanting to take its own citizens guns. It would open the door for the criminal element of the world to take us over.

So what's the difference ? If we lose our guns, then only the government and the criminals will be in charge. Don't forget, that when Russia, China, Germany and Cuba, along and others, took away the guns, tens of millions were put to death.

One last thought. On average, 3,700 people are killed each year with a gun. Drunk drivers killed 11,000 in same year.

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